Wednesday, January 19, 2011


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Consciousness and Psi: The First Sight Model
James Carpenter, Ph.D.
Rhine Research Center
Presented at the Conference: Consciousness Today,
Myrtle Beach, SC, March 24, 2007

My topic is the importance of psi in the understanding of consciousness. I am
going to sketch for you a model that I have developed that proposes that psi (including
extrasensory perception and psychokinesis) is an essential constituent of consciousness,
that it is in fact the primary element in the network of processes that produce
consciousness. Whereas psi has sometimes been referred to as “second sight,” I think
that it might best be understood as “first sight.”
A model is an analogy, and the basic analogy I am proposing is this: let us
suppose that extrasensory perception is like subliminal perception.
I want to ask you to imagine some things. First, imagine that consciousness, for
every organism, is continuously being generated by processes that are not in themselves
conscious. In this sense, consciousness is something like a lit electric bulb. Flip the
switch and the bulb lights up. We do not see the large network of processes that are
producing this light – the wires, the electric current, the generators, the relays and
alternators. – but we know that all these things stand behind the lit bulb, a dark but active
surround outside the pool of light. Let us imagine that similar active surrounds of unseen
processes stand behind our bright pools of consciousness.
This is a common assumption for scientists attempting to study consciousness, but
imagine another wrinkle to this surround that is not generally added. Imagine that this
these preconscious processes are not merely made up of impersonal physical events going
on in brains and nervous systems but that they are really as personal and purposeful and
individual as consciousness itself. There is much good evidence for this, but it is an
assumption that scientists are usually reluctant to make. However, this model will be
most sensible if we do not assume that consciousness is mechanically generated.
Preconscious processes are as much characterized by personal meaning and intention as
consciousness is. They must be understood psychologically as well as physically.
Now imagine that among all the needs and values and wishes that we all variously
hold, we also hold one wish in common at this preconscious level. We wish to present to
consciousness the very most useful thing as personally conceived at every moment. This
is what we may say these preconscious processes are “for.” They guide consciousness to
the one most useful thing as quickly and efficiently as possible in this moment, and the
next, and the next. Our model holds that preconscious processes scan, sort, select and
guide the formation of each flowing bit of conscious experience. What is the material
that they work upon in these ways? All of the things that are potentially conscious at any
time, and that more or less vie for our attention. These include purely personal things
like memories and wishes and visceral experiences, and extra-personal things like
sensations impinging upon our nervous systems, and – and here is the parapsychological
part – also elements from the vastly expanded realm of possible meaning drawn from a
greatly extended universe not immediately local to the individual. And this is the last
thing that this model asks you to imagine. Imagine that this personal surround of preconscious
material is not limited to what has already been experienced by the individual,
nor to potential information immediately impinging upon the nervous system, but also
includes an extended universe of unknown boundaries. It is in scanning, sorting and
selecting from among this vast extent of material that the formation of all experience
begins, according to our model.
Remember that “psi” is our general term for referring to all of our interactions
with reality beyond those that are immediately local. Note that this model implies that
psi in its most basic, normal functioning, is not the occasional, furtive and unreliable
thing that we usually think of it as being. Nor is it in any way exotic. Rather, we are
presuming that it is continuously active, essentially important, powerfully reliable, and
almost thoroughly unconscious.
Let me say some more about preconscious processing, particularly subliminal
Unconscious influences upon consciousness have been studied by psychologists
since early in the 20th century, when Jastrow (in cognitive psychology) and Freud (in
psychiatry) reported that both our perceptions and our emotional adjustments were
swayed by influences outside of consciousness. These lines of study have proceeded
since, and out of it all has emerged a picture of the mind as being a zone of conscious
self-awareness with a preconscious surround that precedes and conditions consciousness
in complex but systematic ways. The findings of parapsychology are not incongruent
with this picture, but they add to it the idea that an organism’s engagement with this
surround is not bounded by physical, sensory impingement but extends beyond that in
space and in time.
Is it reasonable to suppose that an organism is not rigidly bounded but at its edges
blurs into its surround, such that the two are not entirely distinguishable? This is
obviously the case in a physical sense. The fruit on my plate at breakfast time is well on
the way to becoming part of myself a couple of hours later. In the words of the children's
rhyme: "It's a very odd thing, as odd as can be, that whatever Miss Gee eats, becomes
part of Miss Gee." In another example of blurry physical boundaries, consider the gecko,
a lizard remarkable for its ability to walk upside down on ceilings. Research has
discovered that its defiance of gravity is permitted by the fact that the extremely fine
hairs on its feet provide such a density of contact with a surface that it creates billions of
weak molecular attractions called van der Waals forces. These forces act only at very
small distances and hold together the molecules of objects. In other words, the same tiny
forces that hold the gecko together and hold the ceiling together, also hold the gecko to
the ceiling. At this very fine level of contact, gecko and ceiling are energically merged. I
suggest that there is an analogous blur at the edge of our mental being. At the leading
edge of perception and intention, organism and surround lack distinguishable identity. In
this transactional zone, they are one another. It really might be best to say that in this
zone they become themselves out of each other.
Were it not for the anomalies of parapsychology, we might not need to pose the
idea that, by our nature, we extend beyond ourselves in apprehension and action. Given
the reality of those anomalies, this idea seems almost inescapable.
Subliminal Perception
Some decades ago, a popular book called The Hidden Persuaders fascinated and
alarmed the American public with its announcement that the advertising industry was
manipulating our judgments and decisions using unseen, subliminal influences. In the
prototypical example, inserting words like “you are hungry for popcorn” between the
frames of movies resulted in boosted popcorn sales even though the words were never
consciously perceived. These ideas were controversial for academic psychologists, but
since then the phenomena have continued to be studied, refined and used, and we are now
assaulted daily with sophisticated applications by interests that want to sway our
purchases or our votes. Now they are so widely accepted by most of experimental
psychology, that they are used as techniques to study other processes, such as learning,
attitude formation, and emotional response. Is this vulnerability to unconscious influence
some quirk that has been perversely inserted into our nature solely for the benefit of
marketers and politicians? On the contrary, it appears that preconscious, subliminal
influences are an ongoing part of the developmental history of each bit of our experience.
Each bit of experience goes through a rapid history of development, which begins
with unconscious processes. In the case of a single perception, I am aware of seeing
something and being able to think about it. This piece of awareness is an end-product.
Just prior to my seeing the thing as such, I experienced a collection of sensations that I
attempt to construe. Just prior to that, sensations registered subliminally upon my
nervous system. And just prior to that, an extrasensory anticipation of the event initiated
the perceptual process.
A great deal of the work of experimental psychology has focused on the stage just
prior to conscious experience, when meaning is being attributed to inchoate experiences.
Psychologists studying subliminal perception, added their preconscious step to the
cognitive account. The findings of parapsychologists add the step of extrasensory
In the genesis of a perception, each of these steps sends a rapid message to the
next and orients it in a helpful way. Rational consciousness is a marvelous, very
powerful tool, responsible for our dominance of the planet, and each of us is constantly
selecting the most interesting issue to present to it from the myriad of potential concerns
that exist in the present or the personally meaningful future.
We are making one extraordinary assumption: that at the psi level, we are in
touch with virtually everything, or at least so much that we currently have no way to
assess its boundaries. The psi step must begin the winnowing process from virtually
everything to one best thing. This initial step of selection and de-selection is the basic Psi
process. In everyday experience it is “bound” and functions entirely unconsciously,
although it goes on constantly and must operate in what seems to the rational mind an
unbelievably complex and intricate way. In making this selection, it must use two
criteria: How important is the potential event? How likely is it to actually occur to me?
These two criteria together might be said to constitute the event’s sensed relevance.
With this mammoth task of selecting and de-selecting in terms of sensed
relevance, the Psi function has only one binary tool: it is to orient toward the thing or
away from it to something else instead.
When a pre-consciously apprehended piece of sensory information is selected as
salient, this selection initiates an activation of preconscious emotional and cognitive
responses. This activation does not by itself result in a conscious experience, but in the
arousal of an apprehensive network that facilitates experience. This network poses a set
of implicit questions that preconscious attention seeks to answer by consulting additional
sensory information. With it the person poses tentative, general, preverbal hypotheses in
terms of which to scan for confirmatory evidence. Thereby, it guides the effort to
construe. Preconscious processes, including psi, anticipate and implicitly structure the
formation of experience.. It is sensory experience that provides conscious awareness. It
provides the validating information to the anticipational questions. Psi is part of the
preparatory process which helps the mind make the best use of its sensory experience. In
the ordinary flow of developing awarenesses, the anticipational questions slip into
oblivion before they can ever become issues to awareness, in favor of the actual
developing experience.
Suppose I notice a flicker of movement on my right, just at the edge of my visual
field. I turn my head and see that someone has entered the room. This model proposes
that before the flicker of light, a psi apprehension suggested that something meaningful
was forthcoming and my awareness was alerted in a general direction and to a cluster of
potential meanings. The flicker, as we know from work in subliminal perception, itself
arouses an anticipational network of potential meaning, beginning to question the
movement and preparing me to understand it. When I turn and see a person, I have full
visual information which I can quickly understand, and I have a simple awareness, a bit
of knowing. All the rapid processes of pre-knowing have vanished before I can glimpse
them or know of their participation in my experience.
What happens if this development is interrupted before the natural, rapid flow of
events can reach the formation of a perception? Both parapsychologists and the
psychologists studying PWA have been asking this question, and have independently
found many of the same answers. Basically, the orienting action of the earliest stages can
be glimpsed in the feelings, thoughts and behavior of the person whose perception is
being denied. When conscious perception is allowed to develop, this is what is available
to awareness. When that is blocked by not allowing sufficient sensory exposure, one may
see the anticipational arousal expressed inadvertently in the feelings or associations or
behavior of the person, with the latter having no insight into the origin of those things.
In general, both psi apprehension and subliminal apprehension can be seen
primarily by interpreting inadvertency. Ordinarily, consciousness is oblivious to them,
but when conscious experience is prevented, we can glimpse the hints and whispers of
implicit meaning.
Inadvertent psychological events are those that seem to "just happen" as opposed
to being experienced as things "I do." An image comes to mind, the memory of a song
occurs of its own volition, a mood descends or arises, a silly mispronunciation intrudes
into speech, one name is substituted for another, a shadow is misinterpreted as a snake, or
in the depth of sleep a dream takes shape. In the context of an ESP experiment, the
percipient utters free associations, the remote viewer scribbles and consults an inner flow
of images, the card-guesser impulsively throws a card on one pile among five, the subject
being stared at by someone out of sight generates unfelt neurophysiological responses
being sent to a polygraph.
Although presumably active all the time, we rarely see the extrasensory and the
subliminal-sensory levels of experience in action. I have an occasional experience in
which I can see the subliminal at work in my own stream of consciousness. Since I have
become a little hard of hearing, my threshold for clearly hearing vocal speech is a little
different from that of most people. Recently in a family conversation, I uttered some
thought only to see my daughter roll her eyes in an expression that gently said "he's doing
it again." I had expressed a restatement of something that someone else in the
conversation had said a short time before. I had not been conscious of the remark, but
others were. To me, my own words popped into my head as a brand new idea, but others
recognized them as a close association to the words that had come before. This sort of
"popping up" is an example of the sort of inadvertency that expresses a subliminal
influence without awareness.
Inadvertent expressions of preconscious processes have been studied extensively
by psychologists. Poetzel found that images flashed briefly and not consciously seen
were expressed metaphorically later in dreams. Cognitive psychologists found that
subliminal stimuli affected later processes of learning, forgetting, affective response and
association if the later material was connected somehow to the unconscious stimuli.
Psychodynamic and social psychologists found that the emotional significance of
subliminal material effected a person’s later mood and attitude and spontaneous social
In a parallel manner, parapsychologists found that people could indeed not see the
material enclosed in opaque envelopes, but they could sometimes successfully guess
them, and perhaps to a higher degree, could express a meaningful inadvertent response to
the hidden content by their physiological responses, or spontaneous imagery, or affective
responses to similar content exposed later. Many other examples could be listed of the
various pre-sensory and subliminal-sensory effects that have been studied. For instance,
in a ganzfeld ESP study, the percipient allows the development of spontaneous feelings
and images which are not consciously experienced as being caused by the target material
(which is neither seen nor heard). However, later examination of the target material often
suggests associative connections to the feelings and images, to the extent that the
experiences can be correctly identified as associated.
Many similar patterns have been found between subliminal and extrasensory
perception. Similar conditions facilitate them, such as drawing responses vs. verbalizing
them, sensory attenuation, hypnosis, free association, dreaming sleep, relaxed reverie,
and a positive, encouraging environment. Similar sorts of people have been seen to be
more likely to show the effects: people with stronger tendencies toward dissociation or
creativity or absorption, those positively disposed toward it, those who are more socially
engaged and those who are less anxious. The expression of both kinds of stimuli tend to
be fragmented and metaphorical, rather than literal and complete. Both may more
commonly be expressed by indirect effects on emotion or attention or on some aspect of
psycho-physiological functioning, than by direct cognitive retrieval. Situations requiring
careful assessment and judgment tend to make both kinds of effects vanish. Finally,
several correlational studies have reported that persons who are better at retrieving
subliminal information are also better at retrieving extrasensory information. Putting all
of this together, it appears that scientists in these different fields have been studying
similar things without realizing it.
It may seem common sense to us that the gap between a very faint stimulus and
no stimulus at all is absolute and enormous. However, evidence suggests that the gap
may be very slight in many ways, or even non-existent.
My model holds that the mind utilizes its available extrasensory and subliminalsensory
material in highly similar ways. I call this a hypothesis of functional equivalence.
Any serious model of psi must contend with the reality of psi-missing, the
significant negative scoring that is sometimes found in ESP experiments. Since we are
assuming that psi does function persistently and unconsciously, we must ask of what
benefit might be the tendency to turn away-from some potential event? The most
obvious answer is that the winnowing function that I just mentioned, requires that all
potential meanings but one be turned away-from at the initial preconscious level, in order
to bring upon the stage of awareness the one most useful thing at that moment. If
something elected to be an ESP target does not pass this test of "probably most useful" in
a given instant, it will pass on only a sense of avoidance in favor of the other thing being
selected instead. But significant psi-missing requires a persistent avoidance of the
meaning of some event. Why would we maintain a posture of avoiding a particular thing
long enough to produce a significantly negative deviation in an ESP experiment?
Parapsychologists have viewed these results as unconscious errors but this is probably too
narrow a view Imagine an early ancestor of yours walking through dense woods. On
her right is a safe passage which she cannot clearly see, on her left is a dangerous
predator crouching behind a bush. She cannot see the predator but she psychically
engages its presence. The best action, the one which leads her to live long enough to
become your ancestor, is to very quickly become interested in something to her right and
head that way. Suppose the psychic apprehension instead alerted her to "some sort of
trouble on the left?" It might cause her to pause an instant and take too long a look at the
dangerous bush. Immediate avoidance by simply preferring an alternative to the danger
is the healthiest choice. If this counter-preference was observed in an ESP test, it would
be expressed as a psi-miss.
There is an interesting analogy to this in the literature on the effect of subliminal
primes on social judgment. It is known that sometimes a prime results in the facilitation
of a perception or attribution (i.e. the content of a prime becomes more likely to be
expressed in a judgment) whereas sometimes it results in a reduction in the likelihood of
the expression of the prime. The former, called "assimilation," is associated with primes
that are highly relevant to the target, while the second, called "contrast," is found when
primes are highly irrelevant to the target. Assimilation and contrast are for subliminal
primes what psi-hitting and psi-missing are for extrasensory information. The mind is
apparently capable of pre-consciously assessing the relevance of material that is either
subliminal or extrasensory, using relevant material and turning away from irrelevant
There is much more that I could say by way of introducing this model. If you are
interested, I refer you to two papers which I have published in recent issues of the
Journal of Parapsychology. There I develop the model much further, with more to say
about different expressions of psi, and many other matters. I also survey a sizable portion
of the published parapsychological literature in terms of the model’s expectations. I
believe that the model shows the capacity to bring much order and meaning to our
otherwise confusing literature.
Let me briefly give you an idea of the kind of research we are doing at the Rhine
Center that is guided by this model. The first such study I carried out was conceived
before I had developed the model so fully. I was intrigued by subliminal perception
research that showed that subliminal primes could affect spontaneous social behavior. I
reasoned that ESP must be expressed similarly. I formed a small group that agreed to
function in a quasi-therapeutic, support group manner, while an ESP target was being
selected randomly by a computer in another place. Although we could not know the
nature of the day’s target, we all knew that an ESP target was being picked, and hoped
that it might show itself inadvertently in our group process – in the topics, moods, and
various surprising events that an unstructured group can often produce – but we did not
give much thought to the target as we went along, discussing whatever we wished
however we wished. At each session’s end we rated our day’s process on several
dimensions, and then learned a number which let us draw a set of four pictures. One was
the target, but we did not know which. We spread the pictures out and rated each of them
for their degree of correspondence with the session we had just experienced. Only after
all these ratings were completed and collected did we learn which of the 4 was the actual
target that the computer had picked. We averaged the ratings given to each picture to see
to what extent we had been able to identify the correct target vs. the controls by
comparing its content to our session. This group met off and on for several years, and
amassed 375 sessions. We found that the target did make itself known in our behavior
well enough for us to identify it much more often than chance should allow. Even of
more interest, the kind of session we had experienced determined when sessions would
hit and when they would miss. Our model would lead us to expect that sessions that were
characterized by intense focus and cognitive work should lead to misses more than hits,
since the group’s work would lead the target to seem extraneous and therefore excluded
from expression. This is what we found,. Sessions that were especially characterized by
intense revelations and heavy emotional work produced psi-misses while the remaining
sessions produced very high psi-hitting. These are patterns that one would expect to find
in the expression of a subliminal stimulus, and we found them with an extrasensory
In more recent research we have been trying to learn more about how psi and
other pre-conscious processes, such as subliminal primes and creative impulses, work
together in producing our experiences. One project that has recently been completed
involved an attempt to heighten certain moods and attitudes that we have found to be psi
conducive and creativity-conducive, using subliminal and incidental primes. Two more
projects are beginning soon, in which we will examine the effect of a different subliminal
prime upon both extrasensory scoring and a familiar subliminal effect. We will then
explore the question of whether or not the same prime, presented only to an extrasensory
agent, will have the same effect as a subliminal exposure. There are many more
questions along these lines that we plan to address as time and resources permit.
This model suggests how psi may function in everyday life. Yet suppose that it is
true that psi influences act continually and implicitly in the formation of our experience,
and mingle meaningfully with other preconscious processes. Is this only of academic
I think not. Besides the fascinating unseen dimensions that this adds to our
understanding of our nature, there may be very practical implications as well. Consider
this analogy. As you stand outside on a clear night and look at the starry sky with the
unaided eye, you will not see the rings of Saturn. Add the proper telescope and the rings
pop into view. Yet the telescope does not add one photon of light coming from Saturn to
your retina. The telescope only bends and selects the photons that are available in such a
way that they are not overwhelmed by others. Those same photons are available without
the telescope, but they cannot be seen as such. Why not? Our visual system has evolved
in a very sensible way from a survival perspective. Seeing things as far away as the rings
of Saturn has had negligible survival value in our racial history. It is very practical that
they not intrude upon our visual experience. Yet if for some reason we wish to see the
rings of Saturn, we can apply our knowledge of the laws of optics and refract the light in
such a way that the light from nearer things is excluded and the rings can be discerned.
We understand the laws of optics much better than we understand the laws of
preconscious processes, including psi. They await our discovery. Dramatic psychic
experiences suggest that important flashes of knowledge can emerge from the implicit sea
of unconscious extrasensory engagement. As interesting as these occasions are, it is
worth remembering that they are still almost entirely unaided by science. When the laws
of preconscious processes are as well understood as the laws of optics, our access to
knowledge, in whatever directions we wish, may be vastly extended.

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